Author: miq
Game Time:
Real Time:
Subject: My Diner with Crystal : Vol 2, Issue 3
Role Call: Coriolis, Corona

(Note to my gentle readers, this issue is the special double second, both in that it is the second issue of the YTBNSTOP series, and the second issue of the "Limited Partners Super series of YTBNSTOP")

(YTBNSTOP == Yet To Be Named Super Team Of Portland)

So word on the street has it that the place to get good gigs for high pay is this small diner in the hills just down from Washington Park. Being of a protective sort, and completely striking out on any other avenues of research to find further information on what or who is behind the insidious plans that include stealing small pillows and setting up cameras with explosives in them, Coriolis and Corona decide to go for that early evening snack and show up at the diner at the supposed arranged time, 8 pm on Tuesday.

To blend in, and not arouse suspicions, they both elect to wear the trench coat and hat with big floppy brim. Coriolis orders a chili-size and a large chocolate shake and takes a seat at one end of the counter, Corona elects for simply coffee and takes a booth on the end where he has a good view of the place over the top of his sports page.

It would appear that bringing a good science fiction novel with you on a stakeout is not a wise idea, for Coriolis completely missed the fact that a tall woman with blond hair entered the diner just shy of eight and took a seat at the end of the counter. Corona finally got his attention and the two watched as she eventually moved to a booth to confer with a seedy looking fellow.

Corona and Coriolis moved in to block easy exit and overheard a few snippets of the conversation involving mumble, frisbin, and blotz (actually the GM gave us three phrases which at this time I can no longer remember and can't find my notes). At this point the winds that surround Coriolis casually blew the hat off the blond woman was wearing, revealing that she did indeed have a strange and powerful glow about her (woe to those that did not understand just _how_ powerful that glow was).

Glowing blond woman, Crystal, took offense at this and decided to lob the sugar shaker with considerable velocity at Coriolis' head. Fortunately, he had the foresight to put his windy barriers up at the last instant, and remained unfazed and unharmed as the shaker eviscerated itself from the combined forces.

Pleasantries were dispensed with almost immediately, and a battle ensued (well duh!). Corona tried to slow her down with a (once again) useless beam of intense light at her eyes. Crystal in turn chose to plaster Corona over the counter and destroyed the table in her abrupt standing movethrough. The pasty faced fellow took this opportunity to dive through the broken window and make a run for it.

Sadly this was the start of bad things to come for Corona. Coriolis responded by flying up over where the table was and giving her a swift kick in the chin (doing 4.1 per dice and plus 5 body!). Crystal was unimpressed, and decided to continue on Corona as he blasted her from the pile of debris. Crystal was successful in knocking him back further into the sad little diner.

Coriolis, not wanting pasty faced fellow to get away, turned up the winds and speed, hitting Crystal with a fierce passing strike and ending up outside over the fleeing man. (the attack was more dice, but less damage than the kick). Corona dragged himself to his feet, and in an attempt to get some breathing room hit Crystal with a coruscating beam of coherent light which scientists have now determined was possibly due to a flux in the continuum and is no longer possible for him to do.

Encased in the entangling beams of hardened light, Crystal's hand was forced into play and she exerted immense strength and burst out of the confinement with an amazing display of power (warning Will Robinson! Danger! Danger!) and continued on her path of destruction to plow into Corona with great force. Corona complied with her wishes (the pansy!) and fell unconscious to the tune of being back a week from Tuesday (-72 and stunned for those keeping count).

Coriolis told the pasty faced man to halt or he'd be next. The man paused to give consideration to the threat, and Coriolis circled around at full speed to deliver another blow to Crystal. She decided that in turn, since he was so far away, she would be forced to do the same.

The two titanic forces met in a confluence of wind and gross crystalline enhanced energy. The result Both hit successfully, and did massive amounts of damage to their opponent formerly unseen in these pages (28d each). Sadly, the resulting blows were not taken in a similar manner despite their similarities of force. While Crystal was knock to the edges of consciousness (single digits! woohoo), Coriolis was efficiently knocked from completely full to exactly into the realm where the great master of the universe must be consulted with prior to getting a recovery. (-31 and stunned).

At this point it is anyones guess what really happened, but witnesses tell us that pasty faced man ran off confident that Crystal would be easily able to fulfill her contract with him, and Crystal went off to fulfill it.

A short while later Coriolis awoke to find the paramedics still trying to revive Corona.

Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt in this incident and Allstate will be covering the damages done to the diner.

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