Most characters will be built on 400-500 points depending on points depending on efficiency. I'm expecting fairly balanced characters that are able to operate in a team environment.

Aliens are not known to exist, but there are rumors that during WWII there was a secret war between several races of aliens.
For mentalists, see warning further down
The team will be based in Portland.
Bricks: Typically be 60-75 STR with 30-40 def.
Martial artists: 6-8 speed, mid teens CVs, ~20 def
EB: 12-15d6, more freedom of movement, high defs, but lower stats on average

Here's some agent equipment: Note the guns are pretty nasty by normal campaign limits. Of course, with a x3 Stun mod, bullets are easier to ignore for bricks.

Powered Suit: Not seen yet in game.
3d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, -1/3", 20 autofire, 2400 rnds, 30 str, +4 OCV
Def: 20 -> use higher of passenger or suit, hard
Top stats: 7" Running, 35 STR, 20 Dex, 4 SPD
Cannon: 5d6 RKA, explosion, +1 Area, No airburst
Jumpjet: Superleap 25" - 5 end, 25 end bat
Typical agent rifles:
2d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, 60 shots, 3, 10, 20 shot, +0, +2, +4 OCV
LZR 2d6 ERKA AP, -1 Stun, -1/9", 10 auto, 300 shots, 10 STR
Typical agent pistols:
2d6 PRKA, +1 Stun, 10 shots
LZR 2d6 ERKA AP, -1 Stun, -1/5", 30 shots, 1-3 shot, 5 STR

Agent Suits: 8/8 hard res. What the typical agent expecting trouble wears.

Champs Index